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(2 edits) (+2)

Interesting twist on a game dev tycoon game. I like the gameplay, but obviously it's quite sad how close to realistic this is.
Sometimes it is just a bit difficult to click the employees you want to pay, because another fish overlaps them or they are constantly moving...
Having a table view that shows the fish, their stats and some options like fire/ pay there would be nice once you have a bunch of them to manage...
I guess it shows how inefficient some managers are... and how internally confused and scared they are just how the character looks like during the game with the contrast to how angry and dominant he tries to appear like at the end screen.

Highest I could reach was a total end score of 71 so far.
The trick is to calculate how much money you gain/loose when fulfilling the request for the sharkholders.
Example 1: Hire 3 game designers, reward: 200. It costs you 150 to do so, so you are left with a 50 you can use however you like (hiring another one or paying 2 later).
Example 2: You have 6 artists, fire all of them, reward 500: you get a free 500, don't have to pay these 6 artists 20 bucks and now you can hire 10 more with a reset salary countdown. So it's a clear win, but if you have 10 artists it might just not be worth it...

I don't think this is in the game, but it would be cool if the duration of how long an employee sticks around would also increase their contribution speed... like if they survive 3 months and aren't late on their pay, they level up and are now as productive as 2 newbies. That would reward the player to keep track of the payments and make the decision if and who to fire upon sharkholder request a bit harder.
If these leveled up employees also get a raise and now for example cost 30 bucks every once in a while, it will also make the player have to strategies if it is worth to keep so many old employees around.
Add consequences to failing the sharkhodlers requests and you got yourself a complicated game... oh... could still be fun though :)


Love it!


Very funny, I'd love to see more levels :))


Good game :) Bit sad it is a one & done though!


"ChatBpt can give us ideas"


Wow this was depressing, but cute style.


Very fun game, my streamed enjoyed it!


won’t freaking loadddd T-T


it prob my wifi-


A meme for the troubles 


kinda hard for my brain but its so cute, great job!!

(1 edit) (+6)

If this were made into a full game with increasingly ridiculous demands from the sharkholders, i'd probably buy it


i love this gameplay system: its so simple but still enjoyable :0. great work my friend!


How can I make good game..?I follow your advice thoug




It's sooo cute :) 

wish it was longer~~~


CUTE! in a "those fish are adorable but laying them off really sucks" kinda way LOL. & when the sharkholders tell you to fire everyone but you instead hire even more people (:<


Short and sweet


haha after the game finished i fire everyone (cause shark want too) and hook 1680 to myself. what a experience.


really nice! the humor was sadly on point!!


Love the concept! Looks like a Kairosoft game with the art style of Donut Country! Love the music too! Good job! :)


Love that the interaction buttons are H & R 💯


Excellent jeu !


really cool game


Sharks asking you to fire a whole part of your team because "A.I. can do it now" was such a heartbreaking moment!! Great game with simple yet effective graphics!


Very cute graphisms and the missions made me laugh !


wouw 59 of overall score! Great game ~~


Got a decent game (66/100) without listening to mean sharkholders' last requests and nobody seems to have quitted. I think I'm ready to do this in real life now.


C'est trop bien (PS: j'ai regarder tous t'es stream)


Nice and polished for such a short dev period! Love the music. And the satisfaction of ignoring those last AI requests and paying my little fishdevs more out of spite.