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Thank you for this funny game!
I've managed to build the statue in 117 years.

If you want, you can check my full game playthrough here:

That's so cool, thanks for recording your playthrough! Super interesting to see the choices you make!


Quite Literally can't stop playing! My best so far!

Niice! My best was 120 for some time, so 116 is really good!


wow, there are people who are way better at this than me...

170 days gg

Sub 200 is already really good, gj!

(Also my parents did something like 450 and 350 so there are also people way worse haha 🐰)


super cute! A lot of fun, and neat to try to play as best as possible!

Yaay nice score! Glad you had fun ✨


A fun and very cute little game, I really like the art style.

Wow, thanks a lot for making a video! It was really fun to watch!

(2 edits) (+2)

The trick seems to be to just assign the rabbit at 2/2/0 (wood/stone/build) then focus on maxing roads first then, wood and stone at once and after you did all that, store enough material to finish the statue (50 of each) and assign all to make the statue.

Would definitely be easier if you have a touch screen. Some way to speed up would be to use your ability to move rabbits and materials quicker than max lvl road can:
You can reassign the bunny whenever they just "mined" materials out, and then transport the material on the ground yourself. (I'd say don't do this after you already got max lvl mill or quarry since unless you're trained or just good at it, you probably can't transport 3 material quicker than the rabbit)

You can also move rabbits back to their station quicker than they can move themselves(especially quarry since they are much further from storage than mill).

I feel like a sub 100 should be possible as long as I doesn't messed up every so often.

Nice speedrun strats! You found all the little details ✨

My personal best is 100, and my brother's is 93 (with a mouse)!

Wow, your brother is really something else, I haven't gotten anywhere close to 120 on a mouse.


This was really cute! Bunny!

Thanks a lot 🐰


Congratulations my friend, this is fun, cute, charming, complete all around. Perfect work!

Thank you so much 💖



wow that's some speedrunning score right there, good job ✨


cute little game, very well made. I got finished in135 years

Thanks a lot! Your score is great 👀


138! You managed an amazing game this time, congrats!

Thanks! Very nice score ✨

(1 edit) (+2)

VERY CUTE! Thanks so much for sharing, had some fun!
BTW, got it in 223 years!

Thank you so much 💖


136 B)   Nice game

Thanks! Very nice score ✨


i wanted to smack that panda so badヽ(ಠ_ಠ)ノ it took me 272 years to build a statue on my first try HAHAHA

That's quite a long time haha. I agree, Poda is a bully 🐼


So great! The music is amazing, and it's super cute!

Thank you so much 💖

Music was made by Zakku, you can listen to more here if you want to:


160! Great game!

Thanks! That's a nice score ✨


Spended 177 years to please giant Panda on the cloud, 10/10

Nice job! They still got mad 17 times tho, they need to chill 🐼 

(1 edit) (+2)

190! nice :D

gonna try and fill the island with bunnies


Nice score! Some player did that in playtests and it got reaaally chaotic, so we decided to put a cap on the numbers of bunnies, but you can still have way more than necessary!

(Also look at how awful the prototype looked haha)




That's 21 Poda tantrums! They need to chill 🐼


Extremely polished game. Amazing work ♫ 

Thank you so much 💖


Super cute game, but unless I'm missing something the main gameplay is just repeatedly assigning workers to the exact same tasks over and over because every ten seconds some of them get knocked off what they were doing.

That might be a way to describe it haha. You can also gather resources by dragging them to the pile! The idea was to make a very simple "idlish management like game" with a twist that forces you to stay active!


What a lovely little game! High fives!

Thank you so much 💖


I was hoping bunnies will go rebel when they have enough resource like woods and stones are over 1000 or staying long enough over 500 years.

Wake up bunnies! Poda is just a bully!


Hahaha nice


haha that's pure chaos right there. Thanks for the easter egg idea, we'll keep it in mind for a future version 🐼


I'm made it in 274 years !! Very lovely, cute and fun game, I loved every second of it. Congrats to all the team, everything was perfect

Thank you so much 💖

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